is an amazing app from Blizzard where you can play awesome multiplayer games online with your friends, such as World of Warcraft, Diablo III, Starcraft II, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, Starcraft, Warcraft III, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and Destiny 2.
One day you may get bored of one of these games or just want to reinstall it because the game doesn’t work properly anymore. And uninstalling Blizzard games might be a little bit challenging because there are no signifiers in app on how you can do it.
Thus, in order to help you, I have prepared this illustrated step-by-step guide on how to uninstall Blizzard games.
In this article, you will find not only how to uninstall Blizzard games from launcher, but from your computer manually in case you struggle with the prior method.
On top of that, you will find how to delete remaining files that left after uninstalling a Blizzard game.
So, want to know how to uninstall Blizzard games? Read on to find out.
In some cases, you might struggle to uninstall Blizzard games directly from app. Therefore, I have prepared additional instructions on how to uninstall Blizzard games without using it.
After the uninstallation of a Blizzard game, you might want to remove other files that might be left on your computer; so, follow this instruction in order to do it.
To sum up, I hope my instruction was useful and now you know how to uninstall Blizzard games properly on either Windows or Mac even if doesn’t want to uninstall it.
Please, let me know if this guide was helpful or if you still can’t uninstall a Blizzard game in the comments section below. I will do my best to help you in solving the problem.
Thanks for reading!